The Awakened BEAST MENtorship
Connects men with their soul power and it teaches them how to use it for a more successful and fulfilled life!
You don't have a plan for your life and feel like you are
in the wrong group of people
You ask yourself constantly: What is my purpose?
The woman that you love is gone and it hurts to see her
with another man
You know you can be financially successful
but you haven't reached that point yet
You procrastinate, and that's affecting your life
more than you think
You want your crystal clear vision you have had in
your mind for years to become a reality, but is not
happening because I have not awoken your inner
You want to build an empire but you don't
know where to start
What is happening when your inner BEAST
(soul power) is asleep:
I totally GET YOU!
When I had created The Awakened BEAST MENtorship
Program, I knew it was a mission from the divine
to support you to awake your best potential!
I SEE your INNER BEAST energy! I understand your POWER and your VALUE!
As a male soul on this Earth, you might experience confusion, lack of direction, or clarity.
and That's ALL RIGHT, I feel you!
Women nowadays are so demanding and it is harder to understand their behaviors and emotions. Sometimes they just drive you crazy, because you are not able to meet their needs.
What about YOUR NEEDS?
If you didn't have guidance as a child and your parents weren't good role models, so now you might feel lost, because you don't know where to start. I know that calling that you feel inside every day, but you are afraid to pursue your gut instinct.
What about your INNER BEAST?
What I teach men is to connect with their divine power, through their soul gate and awake their inner BEAST. This connection is really powerful and gives you clarity, direction, and peace.
From there the sky is the limit!
Here is what happens when you awaken the BEAST:
You access your divine power to feel alive and aligned.
You create a life master plan, for you and for your loved ones.
You activate the main archetype and understand who you are.
You create an energetic space inside of you to
build your empire.
You master the 3 life energy sources:
love energy, money energy, and sexual energy.
You receive instruments to uplift yourself in difficult situations.
You prepare to meet your soulmate or create more love with your spouse.
You become great father for your children, offering them not only financial support but also affection and emotional support.
You activate and manifest your masculine virtues, in daily life.
You manifest your full potential and your divine power in any moment.
Where would you be on Earth if you have awakened your inner BEAST?
But you might:
Question yourself? What if I don't get any results? That's also a pattern stopping you from achieving the best in your life. If you question that you just set yourself up for failure.
Feel scared: the transformational power of your inner BEAST and the special methods that I have added in this program will boost your life to the next level, and I totally understand you, you must be prepared for such an upgrade.
I am highly adapted to managing any type of energy, and that means
I can connect you with your inner BEAST and help you to use it for more success. Over 15,000 hours of spiritual practice can be felt instantly when we work together.
Observe your inner BEAST sleeping and awaken it!
Don't let it be dormant anymore! It's been asleep for too long!
Here is Daniel’s Story:
Before I started working with Florentina,
I had graduated as an NLP Practitioner and
Master, I was going through a divorce and I felt anxiety and fear of abandonment. I used NLP exercises during this time and the fear dissipated in a few minutes, but the issue was still there. Then, I decided to ask for another type of support: a spiritual one.
The most amazing part of the relationship sessions was Self Repair Meditation, where I healed myself
and my relationship with my son. Each time I remember it, I get chills on my body.
After that, we delved into one of my favorite parts: a roadmap to maturity based on a man’s archetype.
On top of that, another awesome session we had was to build-up my identity, so that I could achieve my higher potential. There was when my inner BEAST came alive!
I have started to feel the energy in and around me, I could access my intuition and many messages from my divine self and my guides.
I enjoyed meditating
each morning and connecting to the divine love and infinite wisdom. It is such a blessing to live my life in
calm, gratitude, love, compassion, and happiness. Yes, I am a spiritual man now.
Thank you, Florentina from the bottom of my heart for such an incredible journey!
Daniel Ianas, CEO in IT Company
Let me introduce you to:
It's my signature program! Here I have placed all the knowledge that I have to support you to awake your inner BEAST. It is the shortcut to activate your full power. So, if you want to show the world your force, The Awakened BEAST MENtorship is for you.
Here is what you get in The Awakened BEAST MENtorship:
6 months support with me as your spiritual mentor.
Weekly group call sessions (1 session per week).
Weekly check-up forms to measure your progress.
Monthly email sessions for private or intimate
The Awakened MENtorship online course, on a professional platform.
Recorded meditations and videos, to work whenever necessary.
Group support by the other men in the community.
Guest experts in the program, offering the best advice
Monthly payment plan for 6 months
The Awakened BEAST MENtorship - £4,997
The Masculine Virtues Activation Program - £1,997
Find your Masculine Archetype Course - £1,997
Total value £8,991 +VAT
Get 39% discount
6 payments of
BONUS not included - How to create your next financial level - £997
What The Awakened BEAST MENtorship is NOT!
This is not a business program, so if you expect to receive business advice or money-making formulas, this is not the place for you.
The practices and meditations will help you to unfold your power, change your mindset about money, love, and life..., but you will need to understand how this will materialise in monetary form, in your business or in your life.
Who it's not for!
If your religion is in conflict with meditation, accessing the divine power, and working with energy and brain states, the program is not for you.
If you're looking for overnight miracles, this is not the place for you, or
if you want to use what you learn to manipulate or harm others.
I like to work only with committed and dedicated men.
You can change the world only if you transform yourself.
Take a look into The Awakened BEAST MENtorship
Month 1-2
Learn. Execute.Master.
Self Discovery - Who you are at your best potential?
Understanding your actual position in your life and upgrade it!
Intentionality - Learn how to manifest your desires
in real life, daily.
Remodeling your subconscious mind - releasing
all the negative beliefs and patterns which are keeping you away from success.
Tapping into your spirituality and using the quantum field
to create your life at the next level.
Survive or thrive - you've got the choice.
Shift your energy and emotions at your free will.
Month 3-4
Learn. Execute.Master.
Childhood healing and gifts - in your childhood are hidden memories that are stopping you to be the best, but also gifts that are helping you to evolve.
Understanding your masculine power - When you know how powerful you are, you become unstoppable.
The 12 Masculine archetypes - discover your main archetype and the secondary ones. Your archetype is the main leader of your life.
The 30 Masculine virtues - are the most powerful internal tools to use in order to excel in life.
Increasing personal strength - having the knowledge to fill yourself with energy even if you feel low, gives you the strength to continue any project and finish it with ease.
Month 5-6
Learn. Execute.Master.
Kinesthetic ages - Understand and follow your journey from a boy to a real and authentic men
Relationships and how to relate to women - Reading women's intentions and meeting their needs before you are asked to will give you a lot of power and appreciation from the women present in your life.
Sacred sexuality for men - use your sexual power to become a
multi-orgasmic man and to know how to please any woman.
The Spiritual Masculine Powers are helping you to become your best version and be committed at 1000%
Your life Master Life Plan - is your roadmap to success. Nobody knows better than you what suits you best.
The Awakened Men Code - pass it on to younger men. There is a lot of lack of authentic and genuine masculine role models. You can make a difference in your children's life, friends or in your tribe.
Choose the right type of investment for you and start your journey to your FULL POWER activation:
Full investment in yourself
Total value £8,991 +VAT
55% discount
one payment
Total value £8,991 +VAT
55% discount
£4,997 +VAT
One payment
Monthly Payment Plan for 6 months
Monthly Payment Plan for 6 months
Total value £8,991 +VAT
39% discount
6 payments of
Total value £8,991 +VAT
39% discount
6 payments
Testimonials from the great men that
I have been working with:
I have learned how to understand better women. I like the fact that the program covers all the areas of my life. Florentina was teaching us from her own experience and wisdom. You should not miss this opportunity.
I joined the program because I wished to understand women better, but I realised that I’ve discovered myself on another level. I think it is your duty as men to discover your inner BEAST.
Thank you Florentina!
My life is to another level. I feel powerful and awake. The program exceeded my expectations. I have received more value than I ever thought possible. Do yourself a favour and join today. Thank you, Florentina for serving men.